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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 30, 2023


It’s never about creating a better society, just oppression and exploitation. The more criminals you easily fabricate, the more indentured servants you easily get.

Well, I hope we get a list of businesses that comply so hopefully I can just uninstall those.

Couldn’t they just make it look like something that isn’t an ad? Such as a fake video or false “download” button?

Everybody start posting nothing but quotes from ChatGPT, quick!

I can’t recommend Raivo. One day I opened the app to find all my codes just… gone. It was like the app updated and was behaving like a new installation. I had made a backup, but I apparently assigned it a password I didn’t know. I switched to 2FAS and had to visit all my sites to create new tokens for each one. 2FAS hasn’t inexplicably deleted my tokens as of yet so I think I’m safe now.

I migrated a bunch of my Instagram to a Pixelfed account about a week ago. I like the built in editor in Instagram, so if anyone can suggest a similar alternative, I’d appreciate it.