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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


I wanted to swap over to Merlin last year but my router isn’t supported. Grrrr!

Enlightening read and explained very well.

As for the Apple bug bringing back old photos from an erased data partition; non-applicable if I recall. Apple identified the bug having to do with restoring devices from backups. Backup data contained the presumed deleted content.

This article is therefore correct that deleted photos from reset devices (and not restored from backup) could not be recovered from the data partition.

Look up the IRS’s ID.me verification. That’s a nasty 3rd party IMO.

Ha! I gave up that fight long ago. I just try not to make it easy for them.

Just sort of pointing out this tracking network (like many others already running) is happening whether you opt out or not.

The opt out part is just security theater for your peace of mind.

Keep in mind they (Google, Apple, Amazon, etc) must still comply with government warrants. Probably pre-encryption.

Does opting out actually stop you from being tracked or simply prevent you from seeing results of that data?

From what I understand, and I am likely wrong, there is no way to mask your devices from other users who have joined.

Google saw neat idea, built cool software, users happy. Replace cars to generate map data with phones for utmost accuracy. Trends of maximizing profit from cool technology makes users sad and services suck like other popular sites. Host begs Google not to make maps suck next.

Lots of those are ads, but some are branding which is a requirement for legal purposes.

Apple is going to mark their products Apple, Dell is going to mark their products Dell, but if Apple marks their products Dell, fireworks happen.

I use both, but a big complaint of noscript is the inability to tell what scripts were blocked. I end up unblocking ***CDN.com or ***static.com and if that doesn’t work, check each until it does. Sort of defeats the purpose.

I installed it on my parents computers and trying to teach them how to get necessary function working again is beyond them.

I have instead installed privacy badger since I read it also blocks scripts.

Just checked F-Droid and nothing popped up. Is it coming this way? Great if it does!

I think you are talking OBDII systems, and while they communicate with the ECU, that system wouldn’t need any GPS access. I don’t think it has a direct link with the cambus that would hold the more advanced data. (Which if memory serves, also doesn’t handle GPS.

There is a dedicated port in my car specifically for data logging, but it only records realtime, not past travel. My GPS unit does track “breadcrumbs” if not following a road, but you’d have to interface directly to that computer. since there is no Bluetooth, there is no contact data or advanced privacy weaknesses.

There are low emission older cars too. Just saying. Not much tech BS.

Residential utility customers have a legitimate expectation to preserve individual and behavioral privacy with regard to energy-related or water consumption data collected by the utility.

That’s so cute. Here is a list of 3rd party scripts that load when I pay my bill:

















I may expect and want privacy, but I’m under no illusion I have it.

I’ve been on the receiving end of one of those extreme campaigns. Let me tell you it’s no joke.

Imagine we’re all hatchlings running to the ocean shore for safety. Yeah, seagulls and predictors are picking us off one by one. It sucks.

Then a “life event” happened listed above and suddenly all the gulls look at you in straight in the eyes.

It was brutal. It was restless. It changed the way my family and my extended family protected themselves. I built piholes for anyone and everyone, recommended browser settings and plugins, and purchased VPN.

Stay low, stay private. And remember you’re being watched.

Thanks! Didn’t know about that yet.

Sort of wish I exported my settings from simple to import to the Fossify app before I uninstalled. Oops.

EDIT: reinstalled the old version, exported, erased the app, and finally imported to the new fork. Everything worked great.

The app icon changed from green to orange after import so I uninstalled the wrong app at first. Haha! Was an easy fix once I knew what happened.

Whitelisting localSend doesn’t work?