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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 05, 2023


Looks good in principle! I’ve yet to try using it with anybody.

Your tone and your assumption that everyone else is an idiot is irritating.

The key part of your first sentence is “via Proton”. Support for client side gpg is easy and they’re not doing it either out of some strategic play or purely out of stubbornness. Working on standarts is great! I’ve had a “Visionary” subscription to Proton for years, since before the VPN and all the extra stuff. I like the company, overall. But, as mentioned in my first comment, this is the singular most annoying part of their service to me.

Internally, yes. So, they only allow it if it’s under their control. This wouldn’t be a customer servie nightmare because only people who know how to use it would use it. Plus, their version of PGP doesn’t encrypt the subject.

Sounds more like an attempt to kill off gpg to win the market.

It’s a simple ask, not bending over backwards. I bet they haven’t touched the email encryption part of code in years, so it doesn’t add any maintenance burden either. I’ve looked at what they do - the only thing they’d need to change is their handling of email headers!

Yes, what’s the problem with that? Services should provide as much flexibility as possible.

Why is that a fault in logic? The features are orthogonal. One doesn’t restrict the other. All other, normal, email providers allow client side gpg use.

Exactly this. Why in the world would they not allow that? I don’t believe it’s that hard.

I don’t want to upload anything. Why would they ever not allow that?

Yup, this is the worst thing about ProtonMail. They must patch this. Not being able to use my own GPG encryption when needed is crazy for a private & secure service.