hacker / leftist / shitposter

Mastodon: @drjenkem@mastodon.blugatch.tube

Matrix: @drjenkem:matrix.org

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


I’m sure they do, likely have their own internal security team as well as contract security work out. The purpose of hiring hackers isn’t to make the company unhackable, it’s to make it harder, more time consuming and costly to hack the company.

Yeah sort of. I think those types of disorders get rewarded in many cases. It’s exceptionally profitable to exploit labor, mislead the public, and plunder the planet. When you have a conscience and empathy, that’s a lot harder to do, especially if you already enjoy a certain level of financial security.

True, but another commonly cited exception is that it’s illegal to yell fire in a crowded theater where there is no fire. My assumption is the rationale being, if your speech is likely to present a danger to people it shouldn’t be legal.

But you’re correct, America is pretty tolerant of hate speech, and it does lead to some pretty negative consequences imo.

Probably a better comparison would be countries like Canada or Germany.


I do applaud you for taking the time to research it rather than getting caught up in the sensationalism of a Twitter post like so many others replying to me.

The bill covers both hate speech and hate crimes. Which aspects of the bill do you take issue with? I personally don’t think it should be legal to incite violence against people of a protected class. I didn’t realize that was such a hot take.

Sounds not unlike America. We’ve had hate crime laws since 1968, I don’t know why everyone’s acting like it’s the end of the world.

Slippery slope fallacy. Hate crime laws have been on the books in America since 1968 and I’m not aware of them leading to the end of free speech in America.

Does the bill need some amendments to clear up some ambiguity? Maybe, idk, I’m not Irish nor am I a legal expert; I know virtually nothing about the Irish legal system.

But based on the BBC article, it sounds like the intention of the bill is to get some hate crime laws on the books for Ireland, which they apparently have none so far.

I am very much in favor of punishing hate crimes/hate speech. Free Speech absolutism is braindead, and those who preach it are often hypocrites. Take Musk for example, self proclaimed free speech absolutist. Sure he allows people to hurl a variety of slurs on his platform but then goes and bans a bunch of left-wing accounts. Advocating for white supremacy is covered by free speech but advocating for socialism is not? That really ought to make you question if free speech is really Musk’s goal.

Why don’t you go ahead and post your browser history and location data for the last 6 months?

Random kids on TikTok aren’t a reliable source. Also, facial recognition is not the same thing as a credit system. Also, America already has a credit system and it’s not secret, it’s called FICO. Oh and the facial recognition software is coming from Blue line technology, not blue line transportation lol.