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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


I haven’t seen many public diatribes against Kagi, but the ones I have seem to be like this person. They complain very publicly based on their perception of Vlad, spend their days in Discord fomenting drama (which seems like something only children should be doing) and are so fragile that they think getting measured emails from someone they went after publicly is a form of harrassment. It’s absurd.

I can only hope this was written by a teenager, otherwise it’s a pretty rough way to live as an adult.

The starter tier is only $5/month for 300 searches, which is more than enough for your average user.

I can get not wanting to pay for search, but I wouldn’t call $5 “very pricey”. In fact, I’d be so bold as to call it reasonable.