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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 25, 2023


If it won’t let me untick all but the essential cookies easily - close tab, move on.

Recently I realised that some “reject all” options still don’t reject the “legitimate” bullshit, so I now avoid those sites too (and no, I don’t trust that extensions that claim to reject all for me will actually reject all).

I’ve got better things to do with my time than scrutinise these cookie pop ups and/or go through lengthy lists individually unticking options. Fuck that noise - don’t have minimal respect for users? Then I’m definitely not providing you any of my data (the sites that make it the hardest rarely hold information you can’t easily find elsewhere)…

No worries, I hope they sort you out!

Tell me you didn’t click the link without saying you didn’t click the link (hint: it literally tells people to vote).
Also tell me you buy in to the distraction propaganda without saying you buy in to the distraction propaganda (hint: having a red tie on while not opposing a single piece of fascist legislation makes you, at the very least, a fascist enabler, or in reality, simply another fascist just one who is better at hiding it)…

You’re literally giving a live demonstration of why continuing to play within their rules leads nowhere but deepening the divide within the working class.

Blaming the people trapped in it, for the system keeping us all down, instead of those who created and benefit from it is one hell of a self destructive trick you’re doing for your overlords…

Either way, you’re an ableist piece of crap, licking a boot because you’ve simply grown too comfortable with the feeling of it rammed down your throat, you have no high ground here. ¯\(ツ)

Was just setting up my viewing for the rest of the evening, and ironically enough, it’s on tonight! 9pm on Quest (and again on Quest +1) .

So at 9 I’ll be watching the last episode of Miners’ Strike 1984: The Battle for Britain, then V for Vendetta at 10… Good inspirational viewing.

Exactly… (leaving both firmly on the right)

Vote none, and start organising (in your work place, in your community, in your own home inspiring your kids). If you still can’t see that the system is designed by the rich and powerful for the rich and powerful, you’re not paying any real attention (precisely why the media keeps society constantly looking at anything but how things are really run).

We need to abolish the establishments keeping us down, not continue to play their game by their rules and wonder why things never change…

Fuck the Tories right, but I also don’t see Starmer opposing any of this.

I think it’s important to relate the latter part to the former - beyond the privacy issues with not being allowed to wear masks (and having our bank accounts invaded), there is also the health aspect, and disallowing masks is one sure fire way to keep disabled people from assembling, since, you know, we don’t want to get covid, being significantly more likely to die from it (not necessarily because of the illness, but because our lives are deemed less worth saving).

The lack of any mask mandates already excludes disabled people from so many public spaces, this is just another way to keep us (as well as others, you know, first they came for…) from fighting back. as they strip us of every last human right.

So they haven’t stopped, they’re just making sure to cover their asses when they do hand over access/footage…

Fuck the whole sponsor shit and that noise, but lets not forget that some people learn and/or understand better by seeing and/or hearing vs reading, and that making information accessible in a variety of formats is a positive thing.

Literally at the top of the article:

Though abortion is legal in the UK, there are TRAP laws in place requiring certain conditions to be met first, paramount of which is that two separate doctors need to agree that the patient meets the criteria of the 1967 Abortion Act before any treatment can go ahead. Self-managed abortion is a criminal offense with a maximum sentence of life imprisonment in the UK, as is any abortion performed after the pregnancy has progressed passed 23 weeks and six days, unless the patient is at risk of serious physical harm or death, or the fetus has severe developmental anomalies.

Just another casual reminder of who actually pulls the strings of global politics…

In the UK there is Trading Standards and a relevant ombudsman (ofcom for communications for example), as well as the Information Commissioner’s Office for something specific like reporting a company for spam, there should be something similar wherever you are.

In my experience a rude reminder to the company that you don’t want to receive their emails and that by not giving you an easy way to unsubscribe they are breaking the law and that you will (or have) reported them to the relevant bodies, is enough to get them to stop.