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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 20, 2023


When you have privacy settings, what you really have is a lie.

It starts out with good intentions, like those in this post, but eventually everyone forgets that the platform still sees your posts and does not give a shit about selling them.

I would rather acknowledge from the very beginning that this entire system is not private, so there is never such a misunderstanding.

Everyone should post and comment with caution, just like you use caution with what you say in public places.

Don’t glue it shut, paint it shut with an acrylic paint or nail polish. Try to stick to the surface with the paint - you could even paint it to cover it/obscure it’s location as well.

This way, if you ever need to remove it you can delicately dab acetone over it to dissolve the acrylic and it will open once again!