Have a nice day.

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Cake day: Jun 20, 2023


CEO of Data Privacy Company Onerep.com Founded Dozens of People-Search Firms – Krebs on Security

Uninstalled already. It was pushy about asking for my church address so they could contact them to promote the app.

JFC, I installed the app and added “my address” and immediately was given a list of names and addresses to “pray for”.

How am I supposed to pray for so many people!? What am I, an ATM?! Gelatians 4:20:69 had nothing to do with Gelato!1! This is getting 1 star and reported on the app store.

This definitely shouldn’t be the top comment. Don’t cross-post it to other communities who prefer that christofascists don’t harass and dox immigrants and any non-christians they hate (see: most genders).

Noooooo sir.

There’s several apps to use open street map data. Organic Maps and OSMAnd to name a few. I use a bit of both along with Waze when needed.

For the google maps, it helps for us to contribute to Open Street Maps through recording with Mapillary or making edits in our community.

Great, now I have to cover my walls in tin foil like that guy from Better Call Saul.