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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 23, 2023


The developer wants to add redirects to frontends in the future + also a token which let’s you use the main instance without needing to solve a captcha

Back then they used Google only but now Bing a bit too

What is the issue with BTC You can send BTC anonymously too

Pretty sure my Adblocker already does all of this I still use Youtube about 10% of the time to find new channels Piped provides some suggestions while you watch some Video but it can’t replaces YT’s homefeed

Aurora or Obtainium which isn’t really a store It fetches the APK’s directly from the source like a RSS

Sidebar on my Browser and Aliucord I don’t use Discord frequently however and you need to be aware of what you type there

Beeper I guess It’s just Matrix with it’s bridges

There is no real alternative Only kinda alternatives by having a private maps Application