Hail Satan.


Using Mbin as a backup to my main Kbin account due to tech issues on Kbin.social. May either switch to this one permanently or abandon it, depending on how Kbin’s development goes. All my active fedi accounts are linked.

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Joined 4M ago
Cake day: Mar 04, 2024


Yeah that’s true, and I’m honestly surprised that they’ve had features like that available for free for as long as they have.

I kind of wonder why they haven’t attempted such a pivot already, though, as it seems like they could easily take over the gaming video space that YouTube currently dominates. Much of that audience uses Twitch already and would easily transition over to a more curated platform, so it feels like it should’ve been a pretty obvious move by now.

Dan Clancy has already said that Twitch isn’t profitable as it is. Right now, they basically only still exist because of existing contracts, otherwise Amazon would’ve likely pulled the plug a while ago. They can’t handle their current user base; they wouldn’t be able to handle YouTube refugees en masse.