• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


I’ve seen almost 15,000 sunsets and I’ve probably seen my wife’s boobs 7,000 times and I absolutely know which one(s) I prefer.

You’re incredibly naive if you think stealing from our corporate overlords will force change in any significant way other than driving consumer cost up as they socialize their losses.

I know this is a privacy sub but I say bring it on, I’m tired of people shoplifting and thinking it’s ok. Food is one thing but I was in the cosmetics aisle at Walmart a few days ago and counted at least 7 security tags that had been ripped off of press on nails. If you are lifting food, formula, diapers, that’s one thing but if you aren’t doing it to survive then fuck you for making everything more expensive for the rest of us.