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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 24, 2023


My immediate family was all on board, so no big worries. It was the Grand parent level that thought I was being unreasonable with the privacy stuff. None of them ever be brought it up directly to me, just to my husband and my parents, so I could never really address it.

I think if we socialized men to not deny their biology and actually be around babies the numbers would be a lot closer to 60 or 70 percent of both genders love being around a little squish baby. Plenty of people don’t like it in both genders, but in my experience most men like a lot of domestic stuff if they’re not specifically trained not to.

My relatives hated this strategy, and I wasn’t the only one who suffered from it. They guilted me for it, but also guilted my parents and siblings. As if they are entitled to the details of my daughter.

People could handle (though they were vocally unhappy about it) is keeping the baby off Facebook. They could not handle me not sending pics on (Facebook) messenger, and they couldn’t handle me not telling me the birth weight.

Multiple boomers got very upset that I wanted to keep that information private.

Right, but hotels don’t expect you to take out the trash, wash the towels/bedding, or wash the water cups/ice bucket. Even if you don’t make a mess you still often have to do those things on top of the cleaning fee you’re paying.