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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I probably won’t add the blackmail stuff. I’m still thinking how to go about it, tbh. Last time I brought it up was when they were thinking of switching due to cost and I mentioned the privacy issues. I think Zoom recording meetings would at least give them pause (I hope), but I still need to make it as believable as possible and give an alternative that’s already widely used (for customers and clients).

I’m in Asia. Idk how our company is going to handle this (or if they care) but we do have a meeting this week so I may mention it again (if I get a chance to).

Not to mention saying “just stop using Zoom” is pretty dumb if your company insists on using it. I’ve lobbied for other apps to be used with my company but they didn’t budge mainly because we’ll have to convince ALL our customers and clients to use whatever service we use as well.

I should just tell our CEO then that I refuse to use Zoom and fail to show to any and all meetings as well as tasks which require Zoom? That’s it then. Privacy is saved.