Floppa the cat, oh so sly, His purring roars, like a V8 high, His Monero stash, he keeps secure, For it offers him privacy, that’s for sure, ‎ Take an example from Floppa. Use Monero.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


Privacy-wise your calls and SMS can still be spied on, and you can still be tracked by GSM Triangulation since the phone is capable of 4G.

Also afaik it runs Mocor which is designed for dumb phones, and I’ve read somewhere that Mocor was an Android 4.4 fork or something like that, but APKs won’t start/run.

That’s exactly what a fed would say

It’s also worth to mention that you don’t need a Mullvad account in order to use their Browser.

May I ask why do you think Cryptostorm is a honeypot?