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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 03, 2023


We are just stuck in our ways over here. We just got tap payments a few years ago. Even then some vendors still don’t support tap to pay lol.

I always wondered why the US seems to be a hold out for adopting new technology. It might just because out government is extra slow at getting anything accomplished.

For SMS I wondered if it has something do with communicating between countries. In your experience was their extra charges involved with sending a SMS to someone in another country. (Back in the day when SMS was popular)

Here in the US we can SMS to anyone within the US for no extra charge. And we mostly talk amongst ourselves over here. So cost wise it isn’t an issues. If I was talking to people outside the US there is no way I would use SMS.

After my 5 seconds of research, it seems like those SHAFT rules are more for marketing campaigns when your sending out sms messages on mass. Not for Bob and Susan talking about the latest politics. Not sure why OP is getting limited. I can swear over my Google Voice message and I don’t have any issues. I am pretty sure that is SMS over VIOP.

Hold on here is this really true?

I think if texts are failing to send because of swearing this would be headline news as it would affect so many people.

This is totally an enterprise feature. I have read enough enterprise documentation to know that. For example All of the wording talking about who is going to use this is “Admins”, “organizations” and “end users”. That is business/enterprise 101 talk right there.

If it is even available on the home versions it is going to be off by default as it requires a good bit of setup to turn on.

If Microsoft wanted to track you via DNS they would just do the same thing that Google and Apple are doing with their phones. Have a secure DNS option that is on by default. That uses DoH amd happens to use their DNS servers.

Also Microsoft doesn’t need DNS to track anyone in Windows. As they control the OS.

That can keep your address secure from third parties but you do need your ID to open up a PO box. So it depends on what exactly your trying to keep secure.

That can keep your address secure from third parties but you do need your ID to open up a PO box. So it depends on what exactly your trying to keep secure.

I think it is just a different scary. It is less predators snatching you up in their white van and more social media is totally screwing with people’s heads. It is more addictive than ever before. People are have para social relationships with online personalities. All photos you see online have been edited and changed to make them look better. Creating huge body image issues. And that is just the stuff I can think of off the top of my head.

And the preditor in the white van hasn’t actually gone away. Their have been some very questionables things over the years that have gotten some news coverage. Spiderman and Elisa shit, some very very questionable Musicly/TikTok video with kids, I have heard about some kids doing ASMR videos. Minecraft YouTubers seem to always end up grooming some kids.

Bottom line the Internet be scary. Stay safe and definitely don’t let kids be unattended.

Yeah i am using Blue Iris paired with Amcrest, Reolink and a few random other cameras. Works really well.

Technically Excel and 365 and Google sheets can be a password manager.

Yeah they should be using Office 365 or Google drive.

I thought I read somewhere that the build in browser password saves are not very secure.

This was maybe 5 years ago so i am guessing they have improved it?

Exactly, This is just how our brains work. It is surprisingly how much stuff we miss because it isn’t relivent to our lives. It is like those videos of the man in the gorilla suit in the background. You’re so focused on the subject of the video your missing a gorilla walking past in the background.

I notice this about words or phrases as well. If I pay attention to what I think is an uncommon word or phrase. Suddenly everyone I know friends, family and coworkers all “start” using that word or phrase. Now maybe they have started using it but I think it is more likely they have always been using that word/phrase but I have just not given it much thought.

Have you tried creating an account recently with any other providers? Almost all of them require a phone number of some kind. This creates a paper trail back to the owner.

Didn’t facial recognition get some poor guy arrested and raped in prison and he was completely innocent of everything?

When she saids no sim I am thinking we can assume she also means your turning off the cellular radio. (Why would leave that one if you don’t have service?) Just wasting battery and I am pretty sure you are still hanging out your location to carriers.

But she explains why that is different in the video.

The idea is the hotspot is an entirely separate device, that just provides Internet access/VPN access. Your not logging in to your VoIP provider or your messaging applications using that hotspot. You can also purchase the device and service anonymously making it much harder to connect to your identity to the hotspot.

This separates the baseband processor from our sensitive data that is stored on our phone. This also forces your phone to actually use the VPN. (There has been reports that Apple and Google bypass the VPN in some cases if you use a VPN on your phone.)

There is literally no reason why most of these devices can’t act as their own server

As much as I dislike cloud stuff. The cloud is by far the easiest solution for support and average users.

Your not dealing with end users calling in and having to diagnose why two devices on their network are not talking to each other.

As long as both your devices have Internet it will work.

Yeah, you loose auto updates but just saying there is a way if you don’t want to use other options.

I never updated my address and they have still found me. Personally i think it is mortgage companies.

I guess that is one good thing about renting. Your name isn’t really tied to a property at least as far as public records are concerned.

That I don’t know the answer too. And i would like more information about how it works. I am mostly familiar with Crypto in block chains work and I still wouldn’t say i fully understand that either.

I am also a little confused when they say unchanging. Sure block chain are unchanging but I am assuming you can add new data that would take priority of old data. I don’t think you would want a system that you could never change your key once you add it. Because that is stupid keys can and will get compromised eventually.

Blockchains are an immutable ledger, meaning any data initially entered onto them can’t be altered. Yen realized that putting users’ public keys on a blockchain would create a record ensuring those keys actually belonged to them – and would be cross-referenced whenever other users send emails. “In order for the verification to be trusted, it needs to be public, and it needs to be unchanging,” Yen said.

Because Privacy isn’t 1 or 0 situation. It is granular thing you may think using YouTube crosses the line but others might not agree.

We as a community can choose what crosses the line for this community.

Personally I am fine with YouTube links, there is usually a bot posting a more private link down below if you want. It makes it easy to pick one of the other it isn’t that big of a deal.

Well I guess I don’t have any more excuses not to use Signel.

Bills still need to be paid.

Bank accounts need to be accessed.

Doors need to be opened.


Sure there are ways around most of this. Presentation of a death certificate usually will get you access to most things eventually. But sometimes that takes time and a lot of administrative for the family.

At least that is what I have heard, thankfully I haven’t had to deal with a family death personally.

Ahh man I really need to get my Vacuum flashed it has been on my list of things to do for a long time. Just haven’t had the time.

The way I look at it is, the more information is known about you the easier it is for someone or something to predict/manipulate you.

Now sure this can be beneficial to you if that someone/something is a looking out for your best interest or at least is looking for a mutual benefit solution. However the vast majority of the online world isn’t looking out for your best interest they just want your time and your money. Because of this I personally try and keep my data to myself.

I do my best to block ads and trackers and just be careful about where I am giving out my real information. I think this has helped me avoid buying crap I really don’t need and helping avoid scams as is hard to fall for a scam when they think your Name is Tommy Baker living at a Walmart address in California.

Being private I feel will also help you with social media addition. I spend less time on YouTube/Reddit/Lemmy or wherever if I am not logged in vs if I am logged in. Simply because my accounts are very personalized to me thus it does a better job suggesting content I would be interested in looking at. (Sucking up my time)

*Edit grammar.

Google is like your big brother. They will beat the shit out of you. But If anyone else tries to beat you they will kick their ass.

Every service I have come across has an option for a standard email and password. Although privacy wise I am not sure if that is any better than just signing in via Google. But most sites you can use a 10 minute mail email or similar if you aren’t worried about getting locked out down the road.

Do you think we are not Brave enough.

Sorry… I will see myself out.

For privacy, I believe Proton Mail https://proton.me/mail has been the standard.

How would they do man in the middle attacks? Don’t you need to trust their certificate first?

The multi-release should let you pick the version in the beginning of the installation.