2023 Reddit Refugee

On Decentralization:

“We no longer have choice. We no longer have voice. And what is left when you have no choice and no voice? Exit.” - Andreas Antonopoulos

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


Barges into room.

Them: “Are you hacking, son?

Me: “No.”

Them: “Cool. I’m just a hotel employee, and I only have understanding of computers at an end-user level. Plus, I see you’re not wearing a hoodie and sunglasses while being hunched over a laptop. Have a nice day and enjoy your stay at the Hilton!”

You can customize how the extension handles cookie banners. See an example of current settings on most updated extension at time of this comment:

Oof! I definitely can raise an Enhancement request in their GitHub to see if they can take on adding that functionality.

If anyone can get me the exact link of whatever OP experienced, I can log it there.

Get yourself the Consent-o-Matic browser extension and watch these “we and our 8000 partners (hungrily) value your privacy” banners disappear.

If you stumble upon a web site that Consent-o-Matic does not handle, you can simply click the extension, click “Submit for Review”, and the devs will shortly add support for that site.

If you pirate from a company worth billions, it’s stealing and you should be ashamed of yourself you greedy thief degenerate leech.

If a company steals from you, well… uh, I guess you deserved it. Why are you so entitled, that thing you bought you should be grateful for what little time you had with it. Even though you paid for it, it’s not yours it’s theirs. What’s wrong with you?