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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 18, 2023


I found a script for bypassing captive portals on Linux back in the day…

The full functionality of how it works escapes me at the moment, but essentially it searches the network for a host that possibly already connected through the captive portal and spoofs their MAC address.

This isn’t the one I originally found, but its the same principal and a Kali tool, so it may be considered more secure than the original bash script I copied back in the day:


Sadly this.

Any personal matters I may have attended to during work hours were done on a personal device, through a VPN, preferably borrowing some other WiFi signal than one run by any company I work for.

If its even more personal, just drop WiFi I don’t control all together. Either use the phones data plan for 10 minutes, or tether it to a computer and do the same.