Sleepless One


Terminally online insomniac code monkey from burgerland.

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Sep 19, 2022


I could see it being an issue if a user gets permabanned from an instance and wants to delete their content, since they won’t be able to access their account to purge it themself.

You should open an issue on the github repo. IIRC deleting your own account should purge data, but posts and comments that are removed by mods will be kept in the database to possibly be restored unless they also decide to purge it.

You seem to have missed the part of the comment you’re responding to where they said:

…no one cares about all the other apps that we know for sure spy on you and give info to US government (and others).

No one is saying that TikTok isn’t collecting a shit ton of data on its users. They’re pointing out that this has been an ongoing problem with tech that burgers have been using for a long time, but that the burger regime didn’t so much as make a peep until it was a Chinese tech company doing the same thing. You don’t need to be a communist to see the double standards at play here.