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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 20, 2023



Phonetically: Double-U ex three

Now everyone is happy :3

This is why I have a degoogled phone and a googled phone. I carry them both around with me but any bank app, or other data harvesting app or necessity goes through that phone,so I may keep the majority of my stuff clean and free (as much as I can within my capabilities)

You did figure it out yourself! Don’t discredit that. You may not have been the first but sometimes it feels good to know you came to the correct conclusion because others got to the same one as you. Like being unsure of a math answer until everyone else says they got the same thing haha

There’s actually a term for this called N.E.A.T. (Non-exercising activity thermogenisis) which basically comes down to: Do the higher caloric burning option, walking further in the parking lot, taking the stairs. Basically moving more by being less efficient. The idea was small changes to increase calorie burn for weight loss. I’ve been doing it over 10 years and it’s greatly helped me with my parking too! I always park far away for this reason