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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 02, 2023


Sorry, I only used fetishizing because others were saying that. You did not say that. I sort of see what you’re saying, but I’m still not on board. Is there any sort of references to support this?

The milk production thing isn’t a thing? Maybe not breast size, but nipple size? Apparently that is a limiting factor for proper breast feeding (at least from what I’ve seen).

While humans are the only species (that I know of) who have the “big tiddys” (and goth GFs at that), if it was really a selective pressure, wouldn’t the distribution of breast sizes be much smaller than it is?

I realize my first post was a bit aggressive (sorry, thought you hadn’t thought out your opinion as well as you have, my fault), I’m not attacking your opinion, just curious.

Definitely don’t agree with your other posts here, but I actually agree with this statement. Many cultures don’t have the same feelings about breasts that most of western society does.

This is totally incorrect. Do you have any sort of sources for this? I’d love to see one.

Many cultures even today don’t “fetishize” breasts. If what you’re saying is correct, that shouldn’t be a thing.

I don’t know the exact evolutionary advantage of human breasts, but surely due to the production of milk that is supportive of the best growth for babies. That’s how natural selection works.

Also if your idea of “sexual selection” was correct, wouldn’t every woman have massive tits? All giraffes have long necks, don’t they?

I pretty much 100 % agree with what you’re saying.

Breasts do seem to be an intimate enough part of the body to elicit such a response (and do for me as well), although only in women if we’re going by “the norm” currently. I find them as such, but don’t necessarily like the gender divide for a similar body part.

But anyways, I agree with what you’re saying, feel the same way. But just can’t really comprehend a different scenario due to being raised this way. It’s even legal where I am for women to be topless, but it’s rarely done.

I suppose I just wanted to comment on society as a whole.

I’m gonna start this with a statement. I don’t agree with most everything the other individual is saying (the one claiming it’s political and is getting downvoted, rightfully so).

I also totally agree boobs are awesome and both men and women (and everyone else in-between) like them. But why do we think they’re so awesome? Most likely because they’ve been sexualized in our society.

I still don’t think the op comic strip is political.

Edit: Ourtoothbrush or whatever, is the one I don’t agree with, as per my initial statement.

New pipe on the phone works pretty well. Better than YouTube ads. Although you can’t directly watch shorts without searching for them (as far as I know). I just watch those on Firefox with adblock.

Would recommend though.