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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 19, 2023


Ahh, that is indeed a critical detail on the implementation not quite clear right away. To be honest I don’t trust the end-to-end encryption most of these services offer. If I want perfect privacy, I’m sticking to self hosting stuff

ey there you go, you bothered to actually read. Your chats remain with your provider!

It’s not like you were expecting privacy while sending your content through other people’s platform, were you?

No, I actually read the current proposal. Maybe try that before regurgitating random stuff that matches your opinion

The proposal only does so under specific circumstances, which makes sense. Try to read more than three words before your respond

Reading it, it looks like it doesn’t require invasive oversight as long as the chat apps and app stores have sufficient detection and such.

really, that’s what such places already should have, considering how much profit they make off of our data

Some unit tests might have been lacking. But yea. I personally like to keep things simple, but a lot of tech companies seem to prefer quite the opposite sometimes

File systems have a record where the binary data for a file like a photo is stored. That’s deleted, without that you’d have to extensively scan the whole memory and hope to recognize that a chunk is an image file.

Whatever Apple is did in this update, it’s probably not good