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Joined 4M ago
Cake day: Jan 01, 2024



posts about tracking and not consenting to give data away

also OP:

uses Google Chrome

AdGuard. You can get a lifetime license through stack social for anywhere between $16-$30. It also does HTTPS filtering.

Niether are open source, but the full versions of AdGuard for each platform, Adguard Public DNS and DuckDuckGo.

If your browser supports PWAs, I’d reccomend that over the electron app you linked. You’d get better performence, and it would be snappier.

Users like this is exactly why you don’t need a VPN; you clearly have no understanding of how they work.

No worries.

It’s a shame because if you look at the history of Roku, it was founded with technology and ease of access in mind. Unfortunately, like many things, advertising and invading a users privacy is the “best” route for these companies to become profitable.

Google is a perfect example of this, especially after Eric Schmidt and the introduction of Google accounts.

Changing DNS isn’t the same thing as a VPN.

Thank you for explaining this to those who don’t know.

Perhaps I should have used the word(s) point to instead of traffic.

I have heard about putting my roku on another submet but i don’t know how to do this. Any thoughts 🤔

I believe that would rely on the modem settings… If you buy a router (eero, Google WiFi, etc.) and connect it to the Ethernet port, you could create a separate network and your modem would see your router as a single device. I have T-Mobile Internet but don’t trust them with my data, so in conjunction with the above, I have all my network traffic pointed towards AdGuard DNS (Personal Plan)(they have a free version that works well, but you can’t customize it).

I mean… you bought a Roku.

Of all the streaming devices you can purchase, I’d argue Roku is the most privacy invasive: https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/privacynotincluded/roku-streaming-sticks/