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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


You don’t have to like them, you just keep revising the reason you hate them when it becomes clear your reason is wrong. You’re starting from the conclusion of “I don’t like Apple” and just working backwards. That’s what moving the goalpost is.

Yes. I can, and I do.

Why do you keep moving the goalpost?

Fair, but now that they’re using USB-C that’s a temporary thing.

Also most people don’t need USB 3 speeds on their phones anyway because they don’t really plug them into anything that will take advantage of those speeds.

I realize some people do, and for those people the pro is the answer to that.

It seems like you just keep moving the goalpost to keep having a reason to hate Apple.

Wouldn’t this also apply to DuckDuckGo then?

More than I’m capable of being chained to a desk in this economic system we’re all essentially forced into joining, absolutely. I never claimed it was perfect, just that it was my preferred engine.

Find someone else here to judge for giving a non-zero amount of a shit. Also, I just said I’m not using it anymore lol.

Up until this moment ecosia was my preferred and most used search engine. No more, sadly.

Someone tell DuckDuckGo to plant trees plz.