They are watching DHCP Discover option 55. The device tells the server what options it expects to receive, and different vendors and device ask for different options or ask for them in a different order, and they are fingerprinting that.
Bundling it means Firefox is guaranteed to be there on a default install, so you can look up documentation and get online or pass through a captive portal. Fedora also tends to prefer their own flatpak repository over flathub although that might be changing.
They are watching DHCP Discover option 55. The device tells the server what options it expects to receive, and different vendors and device ask for different options or ask for them in a different order, and they are fingerprinting that.
Cisco also describes the tactic:
The fingerprints are viewable at - it is more specific than a mac vendor but not extremely anti-privacy, anybody watching firewall logs will know an iPhone connected pretty easily too.