Beruflich Web-Entwickler, privat ein Ober Nerd und Links-Grün versifft…
Musik Liebhaber, von #kpop bis #metal alles dabei
Ansonsten bin ich auch gerne mit der Kamera unterwegs.

ich bin auch auf mastodon: @BentiGorlich

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 20, 2023


You should be using bcrypt or something similiarly designed to hash passwords, since they are much safer than sha256/512. Sha is not designed for hashing passwords and therefore a fast algorithm which you shouldn’t use for passwords

Well that sucks… that vlad dude is ehm… weird. I am happy with the service I am getting from Kagi, but such behaviour is not acceptable…

FDroid is a native app store, aurora is preinsralled as well as microG. I don’t use any google apps and have none installed. Afaik there is no option to have GAPPS with iodéOS. They do sell the fairphone with the OS preinsralled which is very nice and iodé is from france which is a plus in my book as well 😁

I am rocking a Fairphone 4 with iodéOS and I am very happy with it. Though I am definitely not phone power user…

I really dig the design. I gotta test it out 😊

I think its great. Its for people who simply don’t want to share their phone number with other people which is a huge privacy concern, as you can find out a lot about a person by looking up info connected to their phone number.

Running a search engine is just a lot more expensive than running a VPN and email service. The amount of data and processing power needed to have a useful search index is just so much higher

I love it. Personally I don’t think it is too expensive, though I am probably a power user of search engines, as I need it a lot while programming all sorts of stuff… So maybe it is just me saying its worth the money, because I use it a lot

I hope that it would only be the “Frensh Version” of Firefox that implements this and that at least everone outside of France would get a version without this crap. This would then of course, be available to Frensh people to. Hopefully crap laws like this get stoped… lets see

The French government is considering a law that would require web browsers – like Mozilla's Firefox – to block websites chosen by the government.