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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Aug 22, 2023


I use Vaultwarden personally. It’s just whag a lot of people do.

My first language is Korean. A lot of the time people just write some words or phrases in Korean in English keyboard layout.

If I, for example, write 손톱깎이, that way, which is nail clipper in Korean,


Basically totally random. Add in some numbers and !@#$% and you have easy to remember, quick to type and secure password.

Quite nice.

Yeah. I only mainly use Newpipe because it’s just a better experience. Way nicer than Google’s own, even without considering ads.

Most people’s reaction: Yeah so what? No one cares about me and you.

90% of the time.

This is exactly what I wanted from Zt. I’m definitely making the switch.

Seriously, how cool is this?

If that happens, I’ll just buy an iPhone. Only real reason I’m using android and not iOS sideloading.