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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Sep 08, 2023


I mean most pirate sites have cloudfare in the front and even with legal request Cloudfare has denied giving the IP so many times.

I mean yeah they can’t make everything free you know. Its good they are making services and I will be happy to support them!

Probably because of the YouTube link. I will try to post a more private alternative next time.

Very interesting video about the tracking of cellular networks.

France is really leading the way on taking away their people rights!

People that don’t actually know this or just accept it. Look at how many people use ring cameras and you can tell them that Amazon will hand the video footage to law enforcement , and they will say “oh yeah I have nothing to hide” or “Oh yeah but the camera is cheap”

Wouldn’t you prefer the people to vote on something so important as your privacy?

I used to have privacy.com , they will ask for really personal details such as SSN and Government issue ID. When I created an account back when it was really new they just ask you for email and password and the bank account number and routing after they started asking for more private information I decided to quit. Virtual credit cards of this nature are to be able to easily block and delete credit cards if gets leaked not really for protecting your privacy because it is tied to your bank account. I will prefer to use my own bank and credit card company virtual cards because they already have all my info to be honest.

Yes you are right their antispam measure is very aggressive but I think plenty of bad actors have abused the service before that’s why its like that.

Yes but if you think about it, you are not the only one trying to register with the same IP with hetzner that’s why the system triggers the ban.

They reject new accounts because they are really cheap and reliable so people abuse their system.

If they are that bad according to him , idk what browser he uses because there is no other option. Firefox is the only non google browser , then brave and all those other shittie chromium browsers.

What you use then? Let me guess Brave? People talk a lot of shit about Firefox but they are really the few companies that care about privacy.

He doesn’t know shit. I am sorry to say it that way but he is just create really good videos but he just make short videos and try to explain everything in one short video. That’s is impossible , security and privacy is a journey it takes time and you have to work on it everyday.

Yes they are paid because he doesn’t have any sponsors , no company paid him everything is his own work and experience. He also has a new method to sell his knowledge which is through a PDF so if you are interested let’s say how to improve privacy and security on Apple devices you buy the PDF for $15 and then they will keep sending you updates as need it. Its much cheaper than the books and you get exactly what you need not like the book where get everything at once.

I know its not a YouTube channel but man I will prefer Michael Bazell from Intel Techniques over all these YouTube Channels. He does privacy and security for a living so he knows his thing and its very realistic about privacy and security.

I agree with you in all your points and I have also look into why people just give up their privacy so easily , most of the time what I have noticed is that they (we all) love convenience. You want a plug and play camera? Buy ring , Need a plug and play router with a nice App? Buy google and Amazon Eero. Need to promote your business? Where is everyone at? Facebook , Twitter and Google. Most regular people give up their privacy for convenience, they don’t have time dealing with thousands of option on a PF sense router , no time to create VLAns.

That’s kinda extreme lol but I hope that companies start selling non smart cars. I don’t want my car to be smart , I want my car to take me to point A and B , and be able to fix it myself.