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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 16, 2023


Don’t use Outlook for non-Outlook email services. Problem solved. I am required to use Outlook for my work email, but I keep all of my personal email separate, accessed with FOSS email clients.

It involves a learning curve, and some things don’t work like bluetooth and streaming copyrighted movies. But most everything else works. Many things in AUR would not be there, but alteratives exist for those willing to adapt. Setting things up are typically done by editing text files on the command line. This sounds hard, but is actually simple once you get used to it. I tried Qubes last year out of curiosity and found it hopelessly convoluted.

My OpenBSD operating system on my laptop is set to randomize my MAC address at every boot.


Decent used laptops are quite affordable. I recently scored one on Ebay for under $100. It runs Linux and everything is snappy.