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Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Their business model sounds 1000000% better than sucking up all your data and selling it to the highest bidder. Which is the alternative. Or people doing it for free/donations, which doesn’t scale.

So? Then Brave gets some extra money for something I was going to click on anyway. I don’t see the issue.

So? Then Brave gets some extra money for something I was going to click on anyway. I don’t see the issue.

They really don’t, not that I’ve seen anyway. Just stuff like this article that’s 10% them doing something perfectly reasonable and 90% people going “they just feel shady!”

If you can show me actually shady stuff they’ve done, I’m happy to change my mind.

Usually when I ask this, it’s something like “they do ads!” to which the obvious reply is “yeah they tell you that upfront”.

Brave is very open about how it pays for itself via ads. Y’all conspiracy theory turds are starting to annoy me.

“I don’t know why, but it just FEELS wrong” is usually the hallmark of a marketing campaign against something. See: Hillary Clinton.