I like to ask a variety of questions, sometimes silly, serious, and/or strange. Never asking in an attempt to pester or “just asking questions” stuff.

I’m generally curious and/or trying to get a sense of people’s views.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 29, 2023


Tbh I didn’t mean to Lemmy, so much as simply off Twitter in general, preferably to a non-corporate social site. It may be naive/idealistic, but I think those most inclined to leave would be the better of the bunch, and those in-between are more apt to go to another corporate site anyway (e.g. Threads).

Do the add-ons you use specifically target Facebook? If so, what are you using to mitigate its manipulative/predatory designs?

Do people think it’s a good thing, or simply the thing where those they know are?

You’re aware of the EFF, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, right? It’s one of I’m sure several groups that organizes & strives to push back against malicious action from tech companies, as well as over-encroachment from governments (at times itself coming from tech company lobbying). It’s based in the United States though, if memory serves, so others may want to chip in and mention similar groups for their region/nation.

At the same time, services/platforms that don’t rely on ads pretty much always welcome donations, e.g. Wikipedia, Internet Archive, Gutenberg, as well your resident Fediverse sites, so also keep those in mind.

Not that I use it or am fond of it, but wouldn’t Telegram be more of a middle ground in this context?

It’s not big corporate (Meta), nor smaller nonprofit or decentralized/self-hosted (Signal/Matrix~Element), and is a business offering a messaging app with encryption options one may enable as desired.

I agree that you shouldn’t force anyone in to a solution they don’t want to use

Yeah…Person you’re replying to is saying, “Cope and be normal?” but also: the others are essentially trying to force/peer pressure OP/source of the image into a solution they don’t want to use. How is it that pushing people to do/use whatever’s “normal” is so acceptable compared to asking them to meet on more comfortable terms?

If I saw that, I’d have to ask at least one of them, why? Such an odd choice given that’s not its main use case, but I’m guessing the answers would be something along the lines of, “Why not?” & “It’s what my friends are on.”