Garuda Linux Official website
Garuda Linux is an appealing Arch Linux based Distro with BTRFS (modern filesystem), Linux-zen kernel, auto snapshots, gaming edition and a lot more bleeding-edge features.
Bob Smith

What are you using now?

I like the fact that Garuda uses the Calamares installer. I have Arch on a few computers/servers and I haven’t always been able to stick the landing on installation the first time around. I don’t install operating systems for a living so the easier the better.

I already use btrfs on my Arch installs and it seems fine for general desktop use, so I wouldn’t be too nervous about that aspect of Garuda if you have a good backup policy.

I use Debian and have used Arch previously. I don’t have very good experiences with BTRFS from the past and bleeding-edge may or may not be a bit buggy as an experience. Maybe I will give it a try one day.

Garuda Linux is fantastic , it is my primary desktop for home. I have installed the swaywm version. Garuda uses BTRFS and Snapper. The system automatically backs everything up for you. Snapshots allow you to rollback whatever you want. Yes its based on ArchLinux, but Garuda has there own dev team and make sure everything just works. I really love Garuda Linux , especially there sway version and wayFire version. If you have more questions or need help just ask away.

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