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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 14, 2023


It’s a pillar of democracy to protect the autonomy of the people.

What are your expectations for the software? I assume it’s not enough to use a group chat and tell people where you are, but from the description you’ve given that would be my suggestion.

The other commenters in this thread seems to be giving you good advice and moral support, so I’m just going to give my input which comes from a perspective that’s a bit different.

Sometimes especially when the options we have are contrary to our beliefs, we have to consider if we really need to be a part of it. Sometimes the burden is the smartphone itself. I don’t use smartphones and I couldn’t be happier, somehow my life didn’t end. The last one I had was the N900 and even though it was a pretty cool pocketcomputer, I guess it’s now been around 10 years since I last had a smartphone. I don’t miss it and especially not when I see other people who have one. It’s scary so addictive it seems to be. Pen and paper for data sharing and just calling people can accomplish many tasks.

Old people with bad eyesight also need banking, so I’d hope theres a bank out there who don’t require a smartphone. In my country banks use the national id for authentication and you can get a TOTP keychain for the 2FA instead of an app, perhabs similar options exist.

Anyway, I hope you find something that works for you. Life is a process.

From what I read these articles talk about post infection use of OpenNIC tlds. Anyway it was just a suggestion, it’s always a good idea to only use DNS servers you trust :)

I don’t understand how that would be a security risk to you. Even if I understood what the threat vector was, it would be very inefficient to use an OpenNIC tld to spread malware as you only target 0.0001% (random very low number) of internet users.

There’s plenty to add from OpenNIC and you get access to some addition TLDs as a bonus ;)


I use the addon Redirector for rewriting urls to youtube etc. to private alternatives. I guess you can use it to rewrite startpage queries.