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Joined 8M ago
Cake day: Oct 21, 2023


You can read about why GrapheneOS support pixels only, from that you can guess that other phones lack some or most of these features


Also it depends on the OS, for example DivestOS maintains a web page of all the poor security measures in /e/OS

Also see CalyxOS vs GrapheneOS

In the end, choosing which project to use can be difficult just because of politics between the communities of these projects, saying a certain project is unsecure can get people using that project defensive, so keep that in mind

For best privacy AND security, Pixel 8 or 8 Pro

I agree, but OP said

I’m not going to affiliate with any conglomerate

So, my other pick is Fairphone, actually after this discussion with this lovely Lemmy user, it’s probably my next phone

i like bluesky mostly because it’s the most like early twitter.

In which way ?

I know this is none of my business, so please don’t take this the wrong way …

that I still care about

That’s sweet, but shouldn’t there be a middle ground ?, I mean if someone cares about you they should in theory value what you value ? ( or respect what u value )

And here’s the thing about people, they’ll install all the random adware from the play store, but won’t install an app for a friend, I have people like this in my life, and the worst part is I explained my concern with Facebook and why I don’t use it, still they like : “yeah, you come to me I won’t come to you”, and later complain about how hard I’m to reach… !! 😒🙄

Convenience over ethics that’s one way to put it…

I have noticed that the people I preach to about privacy, or at least try, they’re like : yeah, we know we being spied on, but it is how it is…

And I’m like: No, it’s just a matter of what tools you use…

Them : such as ?

Me : you can use Signal instead of WhatsApp, as a start

Them : in a mocking and condescending manner and that doesn’t spy on you ?

Me : proceeds to explain what Foss means, and the war that’s going on to harvest user data for the next psychological war and creating a dystopia , the war they’re totally sleeping on

I think the spammers won’t be a problem for this service, only if you’re in a public group, but then I must ask, why didn’t you use incognito mode ? Let the spammers spam the temporary profile…

Telegram had to remove commenting as a channel, ( well they gave it to premium users ) ( which makes you question their “we care about your safety” claim )…

But I never saw anything like this, if Incognito mode is on, every account link you share creates a fake account

Also I think public rooms are limited to 50 or 100, I’m not sure

OK, I’m not sure if this is because I’m not native speaker, but I don’t sense friendliness in their reply…

I sense annoyance - mine - like I want to delete my data and they ask indirectly for more

If they wanna keep their database filled with dead data, sure, have at it