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Joined 4M ago
Cake day: Feb 27, 2024


People have to learn to separate software from its developer.
For example, I don’t care about Hyprland lead dev being an asshole sometimes, if the WM he’s developing works good. I don’t care about Cider devs political positions if it doesn’t directly affect my experience with the software.

And people also have to learn, that if someone uses any particular software, they aren’t necessarily using it the way developer pointed out they should.
I use GrapheneOS on my device, but that doesn’t mean that I completely follow devs philosophy. I don’t use Vanadium, 'cause I don’t wanna support Chromium monopoly. I use F-Droid to install my apps, even if developers think, that I should get my apps directly from its devs.

Does GrapheneOS founder or developer philosophy that you don’t agree with makes Graphene a bad OS? Of course it doesn’t. GrapheneOS is still one of the best options on degoogling your device if not the best.

Yeah I don’t agree with the osd being the only approach to being open source.

Well, it isn’t the only one. FSF also has requirements for free-software licenses and FTL doesn’t meet them.

It wasn’t a response to my comment because you didn’t respond to my comment. You said is proprietary. I point out that it’s not a terrible license.

I was answering that statement: «does not appear to hide the code behind any proprietary shielding», 'cause it does.

Ah. Of course. Something being open source doesn’t make it open source. It all makes sense now thank you for clarifying.

If the license doesn’t meet the OSD, then it isn’t open-source, but just source-available. You are welcome.

That also wasn’t technically a response to my comment, it was an ideological defense mechanism to avoid addressing the content of the license.

It was. I pointed out, that FTL is a proprietary license. Because: «Open source doesn’t just mean access to the source code» © OSI

Source available ≠ open-source

it was founded as a Russian company

Why does that matter?


I personally think that Session is better than Signal. At least it doesn’t require a phone number to register.

Global VPN (use vpn for both personal and work profiles)

Alright, this one got me interested.

Yes, it does. And yes, it is equally bad in both cases.

Don’t get me wrong. As far as we know, no malicious code have been funded. The very fact that the Signal was sponsored by the CIA is suspicious (maybe I used some incorrect words, sorry if so). Of course, it’s totally up to you whether you think that fact is sus or not.

That’s not true. A phone number is still required to register, you can just set it not to be public.

Source: I just tried to register and it asked for my phone number.

Which lines of its libre software source code are malicious?

It’s not about code, but about funding.

It’s centralised

Yes, and it’s the downside, no matter how you look at it.

Let’s be honest, Signal is not perfect either:

  • It requires your phone number
  • It has had some suspicious funding sources
    (UPD: It was funded by CIA)
    (UPD2: Here I will quote www.securemessagingapps.com:

This matters because “money talks”, as the saying goes. If the company or person behind the money is likely to have reason not to protect customers’ privacy, it’s important to know. This could be indicative of the company not doing as they say (Google, Whatsapp, for example) or changing their mind once they’ve onboarded enough customers from whom they can make money.

(I’m gonna find sources for the last two statements a bit later to not be unsubstantiated)

Although, we all can agree, that Signal is still better than Telegram, or WhatsApp, or Threema, or whatever.
Still, we probably want to look at the better alternatives, like Simplex or Session.

It’s a long road back to privacy
This post will be my personal experience about trying to gain back my privacy after years of being privacy unconscious. And foremost I want to apologize for my English, if it isn't perfect, 'cause English is not my first language. I was already using Linux for the past year. I tried switching to it three times, and only the third time was successful. Also interested in open source I was for quite a long time, but the privacy topic has never really interested me. I was following this stupid statement: «I don't worry about privacy because I have nothing to hide», which I regret now. But last Christmas, I suddenly realized how much data I was giving away to Big Tech (and not only them). I can't perfectly remember what did lead me to that realization. Was it some YouTube video, privacy policy that I suddenly decided to check out or something else, but I immediately started to action. For the past 6 months I deleted more than 100 accounts. Sometimes it was as easy as to press the button, sometimes I had to email support, and sometimes I literally had to fight for my right to remove the account. Even today there are still 7 accounts left, that I can not delete either because support is ignoring me, or because the process is too slow, or because the service simply does not give the right to remove user account. [JustDeleteMe](https://justdeleteme.xyz) actually helped me very much with that process, and I've even contributed to the project a few times, so to the other users who'll follow my way the process would be at least a little easier. Today is a special day, though, because I finally get rid of my Google and Microsoft accounts. I can finally breathe free. My situation is still not perfect, 'cause I still have some proprietary, privacy invasive accounts left, like Steam, Discord, or my banking apps. I can't just immediately drop them, but at least I've reduced the amount of information I left behind. What's the moral? Welp, it would be so much easier for today's me if yesterday's me had been concerned about privacy in the first place.

Welp, maybe I was wrong. Sorry for that. Should’ve checked more cautiously, I suppose

You can use it like a VPN service. But note, that AdGuard for Android isn’t OSS

This is probably the third time I’ve seen this same post on this community.

You should not use it, but use Cromite or Brave, Vanadium on GrapheneOS.

You should definitely not use Brave under any circumstances. If you care about security, then using a spyware (which is what Brave is) is not a good option.
