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Joined 8M ago
Cake day: Apr 30, 2024


1-2 seconds would be absolutely fine with me, even like 10 seconds would be tolerable… Idk, that sounds really interesting, a lot of people have been saying that it appears to be a problem on my side. Maybe I’ll give it a try again in some future, but now, unfurtuntately, I’m kind of locked into the Apple ecosystem again… But thanks for that insight!

Don’t wanna crash the party, but I tried the 3a and recently the 6a with Graphene, and while everything else worked really well, Location actually didn’t work at all. Everytime when I wanted to get my location, I needed to wait about 5-15 minutes for it to find it. This was actually one of the reasons to not use it as a daily driver.

I wanna know that too! I actually found a lot of app notifications working, but some not and also some constantly told me “This app doesn’t work without GPS” while running perfectly fine, apart from that message.

I did not install anything to replace GPS, so something must work out of the box there. Installed most of the app via Aurora Store from FDroid