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Cake day: Aug 13, 2024


Wrong think detected, proper authority has been notified.

Resitence iis futile.

casuals must suffer for the benefit of the few lol

microcosm of our society

steam just works, maybe few menus clicks to change proton version. but if you know how to use wine that will work too, i don’t

Lineage has google tv version?

can it be flashed on “google tv” teevees?

guilty 🤡

the entire loop was idiotic waste of life instead of acquiring a valuable skill. let’s be real any self respecting homeadmin has to be fluent in linux nowadays.

but at the end of the day it is proton/steam that opened the gates for this type of user to switch. if you are a gamer, you can figure linux mate lol

but yet we still people accepting windows parasite because CoD or BF, same guy prolly still buying intel chips 🫢

well… you see back in my day we had cool bros in “clans” running their servers mostly paying for it themselves with some donations. admins would boot bad faith actors as needed.

then something happened to that model… and here we are now… FPS genre has no been the same IMHO

i agree and i don’t buy unless it runs on linux now… but my steam library was purchased when i was on microshit’s dicks.

but sometimes we got to take the L and move on. I just won’t buy EA trash going forward.

Good advice but people have to suffer to learn these lessons.

Example: i spent years fighting windows but linux “too complicated” … instead of wasting years learning linux i was running scripts and editing registry which always broke the OS eventually… rinse repeat…

Believe it [or] not battlefield still won’t work on Linux because fuck you peasants

People should be using tor just as Fuck U to the pigs.

The entire regime relies on peasants not doing anything. Gonna be a generation or two but we will hit critical mass or will be enslaved.

Your choice folks!

Lol… They don’t care. This will keep getting pushed until it is passed. Then we go underground and they will start prosecuting undesirables on as needed basis.

Just like USSR and China lol

As an American I found it clown to see UK sun run this trash when my own ISP is doing something similar and took me extensive research to figure wtf was going on few years back.

I don’t support some clowns in Malaysia doing their but it doesn’t matter to me, what matters to be is that 1) my corpo daddy is colluding with daddy Sam to do do it; and 2) my fake news would never run such a headline.

Point of my post is to educate mostly US and western audiences that our dearest regimes are doing this to do today.

Tone is an artistic touch, it is provocative maybe it will get people going and start asking questions.

It is only shot post so I understand why people would push back and that’s good, conversion is being had on the topic.

ISP will hijack unencrypted DNS request made by your router for your “safety”

In practice they log your DNS queries and sell this data.

My internet being bootstrapped by ISP is very much relevant especially considering that most of Lemmy is US based and likely doesn’t know what their ISP does

But thanks for being honest

Always has been.

Why would you accept paying some telco merchant for service only to have them sell your data for more money 🤡

At some point people got to start punishing parasites. Hurt their profits 🐸

How is this different from US ISP bootstrapping peasant grade internet?

The sun will run this headline for Malaysia but nobody run these headlines for the US.

I wonder why

Edit: if you are going to downvote at least explain if you got a counter point, otherwise it seems y’all just butthurt haha

While friends and family points are valid…

And I’m not even gonna mention how most workplaces and business expect you to be on WhatsApp.

What sort of clown job requires you to use whatsapps lol

Are they supplying you with a device when they “require” this?

What VPN speeds can go.inet flint 2 handle?

Yeah totally bro… That’s why some contractor should have access microphone and camera too, got to keep these kids safe.

Mullvad for zealots, proton for normies

This logic is the foundation of how the regimes rule the peasants.

You still didn’t answer the question. You are spouting chatgpt non answers.

I didn’t ask you about socio economic background of the first generation of the Communist elites.

It is rather ironic you skipped Lenin’s back ground tho haha

The ruling elite was the Communist party, mostly people near the top who were able to obtain key government positions that they would exploit for personal gain especially in later years of USSR.

In later years, nepotism was also was wide spread where children of the connected enjoy privileged status for employment and career advances and small things like vacations subsidies.

Mentioning that some guy was Ukrainian with in the regime while not mentioning Holodomor is OG 🤡

Must he nice being a communist while enjoying benefits of western society lol

You did not answer the question I asked. The information you provided is literally USSR cherry picked facts…

Did you USSR not have the ruling class that abused their power for personal gain?

Did USSR not make millions of people die for the benefit of the ruling class or just plain old genocide so they can maintain their power?

How is this different from any other regime that ever existed?

They rule, we work. Laws are for the peasants anyway.

Yes… Said a man tapping on the gun and the badge…

You got something you gonna do about it?

VPN issue usage is big tech issue tbh. They don’t like it, find another instance but also note that VPN does not really provide privacy etc it is just part of better set up.

Corps don’t like it BC they can’t farm you as easily

Not to whatabout it but under this logic we got other "CEO"s who should see a similar treatment.

Will they?

Proton drive has free tier. Not sure if it is as easy as tele for doc storage but holy-shit tele really doing it.

People rave about it.

I’m just going on what they’ve published on the system, so either I could be completely wrong, or they could be being misleading

same here overall. thank you for responding.

i don’ disagree with the thesis and i think the best we will get is not answer that tan effectively rebuke the position.

stupid AI said that server would know who start the connection but not back and forth. connection is static and is reset, so presumably longer convos would involve several timestamps.

I am not sure if signal would know who the recipient but that’s the logical next conclusion.