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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Jan 08, 2024


I prefer rhvoice, because while it is not particularly great, I find it to be better than e-speak.

FAQ about checking coverage says its T-Mobile. Accepts Apple Pay, Google Pay, and all major credit/debit cards, but no crypto of any type as i figured. I am unable to see how this is any different from any other MVNO, except the prices are higher. As an example, T-Mobile prepaid gives me unlimited talk, text, and 3.5 gigs of data for $15 per month, and theirs for 4 gigs is $35. So I would be getting an extra 500 megabytes of data and paying $20 extra a month for the privilege.

You can get loans through Aave On ETH, Polygon, etc, But yeah, buying a home would be a bit difficult.

I am using it with the default AOSP keyboard provided by lineage and it’s working really well.

None of those services offer discounts. So either they are getting the cards from reputable sources or they are making a nice markup by getting them from shady places

Coinsbee is german, coincards is canadian, and cake pay is US. Those don’t seem like very loose jurisdictions, and they don’t sell cards at a discount unless the retailer gives them a discount on the cards to begin with, and then they pass them on.

The gift cards I purchase are from companies who specialize in the sale of cards such as coincards, coinsbee, and cake pay. These are all registered businesses, so there’s less likelihood of crazy crap like you mentioned.

Directly, not many places. Through gift cards. Absolute fucktons of places. I have been purchasing my groceries with Monero for over a year now, every single month, and bought some home insulation with Monero, and bought Thanksgiving dinner from a restaurant with Monero as well.

Edit: i also pay my phone bill with Monero

Edit 2: Truly, the only thing I have not figured out how to pay with Monero is direct debits, such as car payments, mortgage payments, etc. that require a bank and routing number. Anything payable with a credit or debit card is fair game.

Dont forget Monero. Fully FOSS cash for the digital age

I have a feeling that you might be misunderstanding what the actual purpose of lemmy is. lemmy has taken quite a few design decisions from Reddit which is exactly the same way. Both platforms are public places where all content is shared. Anyone using them needs to be aware of that fact. Mastodon might be a better fit for you as it is more focused on individuals rather than public communities.

I was under the impression that two factor via SMS was disabled for free users, but you could still use OTP apps.

I really enjoy one called Discrete Launcher from fdroid. It’s meant to be pretty minimalistic and does not support widgets from what I can tell, but you swipe up from the bottom with one finger for AppDrower and swipe down with one finger for a favorite spar at the top. But neither are shown normally, just your wallpaper. You can also program swipe left to open an app swipe right to open an app and several other gesture actions to open things or do things

My threat model is not LE, its google, facebook, etc. If me using privacy services happens to make LE’s job harder well thats just the cherry on top.

I use it for bookmarks, but that’s it. All my passwords and stuff are in my password manager, and I do not trust browsers with that data.