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Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Dec 01, 2023


it’s a threat to the future of “libraries” that decide to completely ignore copyright and give out an unlimited number of copies of ebooks

So do I, so this is very bad.

It’s fine. Connectivity allows subscription services, but doesn’t necessitate them. It’s a power to connect your machine to those of other people in many parts of the world.

It’s like starting to do your dishes in time because of the cockroach problem. Perfectly normal going “underground” when the cockroaches have occupied the kitchen and make laws there.

On what they would and wouldn’t do - yes, I try not to make opinions.

But perhaps I underestimate the scale of that practice.

Considering that the balance of power between US government and, say, Meta is not much different from the same between it and Russian government (Meta doesn’t have a military, but has ways to compensate for that), that should be right.

Even if it were encrypted

It’s not.

logically that would make it safer than Facebook for anyone living in Western jurisdictions. The Russian government cannot get them and is hardly going to exchanging intelligence

No it wouldn’t. You shouldn’t opine on what they’d do. They can negotiate, you know. And they are exchanging intelligence all the time.

with its enemies.

If that were true, corporations wouldn’t work with their competitors.

That you can’t do something well or at all without understanding it is philosophy. Philosophy is weak in the sense that it exists on the same level as aesthetics or instincts. So it’s fighting instinct in a system built to make crowd management through instinct convenient, - in disadvantaged position.

Also NT people like to champion their stupidest ideas as a banner to assemble under. Stupidest exactly to exclude any rational reason, so that only the feeling of community would remain.

They don’t always say what they mean. They might say “this thing is better”, but what they mean is “I’m with the group which distinguishes itself by support for this thing, don’t be against us”.

Oh, and it’s been potentially backdoored by the FSB (Russia’s CIA) for six years.

From the very start rather.

And there’s been a few cases where not FSB, but mundane police was reading suspects’ messages before arresting them.

Don’t trust Telegram, I use it because, eh, most people use either that or VK DMs in Russia as the default IM. But never trust it for something which should be secret.

You can even have “opposition”-themed channels there or call for rebellions, but don’t ever expect anything to be secret or even pseudonymous. Even without ill intent regularly flaws are found which allow to get a lot of information, and the code quality is sewer-level.

Telegram is as safe as just using Facebook DMs (unencrypted), only it’s Russian.

I suggest you judge for yourself how safe that is.

so if he claims anything is secure, I will believe him unconditionally.

That’s much more stupid than just using Facebook and unencrypted e-mail with Outlook address for communication, but knowing how safe exactly those are.

This is how you know the brain has rotten and become a slick turd.

Agreed. Making it a contest of “this talking head seems smarter” means exactly that.

Try explaining that to normies though. They don’t want to understand shit, and they want to think they are safe without understanding shit. That this is impossible they just don’t want to believe, because they don’t understand shit.

Yes. And those pretenders are always people who can’t install Synapse and “delete” their messages thinking that’s very smart.

An FSB (or AP, don’t know which, the main thing is it’s Russian) honeypot at that.

It’s like a blog with comments under every post.

You mean, with things similar to TG channels? Will try. Still answering specific messages with referencing them, referencing specific posts in channels and so on don’t seem to be in XMPP functionality yet.

Nothing is against the attack described TBF.

Say, if I run only OpenBSD, carefully selecting non-base applications, with tightened setup and so on, the baddies may just come when I’m not at home and flash a trojan into my laptop’s UEFI.

Well, it’s easier with phones because these likely already have plenty of backdoors to do this remotely, available only for nation-states.

I’m starting to like the taste of this “conspiracy theorist” thing.

Well, those having the competency have likely already thought of such a thing, and possibly already busy with it.

I’m hopeful for Locutus as a platform for making such applications.

I think that’s actually the reason “sleek apps” became so common. Since browsers have all that sandboxing and privacy settings now.

I have been thinking of something like this too, the thing in common between us is that neither of us has the competency, the time and the persistence to make this happen.

Telegram is used like a weird social network with channels and big groupchats and search. XMPP can’t do that yet.

It never was secure.

I think a huge part of this “enshittification” thing is that companies have finally realized that normies for fucking real don’t care what specialists say, like at all, in no situation they care. Between a cryptographer with an ugly photo and a cryptobro with a nice photo they’ll listen to the latter.

10 years ago it was more of a compromise, now they realized that you can roll out something as “secure” as OSCAR over TLS to the server and say it’s secure and the absolute majority will just believe it if the advertising is good enough, no matter what specialists squeal.

So now people compare Signal to Telegram as if these were comparable.

It really sucks. Such a descent into stupidity and centralism together with AI poisoning just can’t avoid making our world more dystopian and genocidal.

Still the code in telegram desktop client may not be sketchy, but is ugly as fuck, so that too should be considered.

Sounds like someone is mad that security experts would rather trust a tried-and-true encryption standard over Telegram’s encryption which is known to not be anywhere near as secure as the Signal protocol.

There’s an issue in Russia with graduates of a few of the “kinda top” universities considering themselves elite, but not quite being as qualified as they think.

Durov’s brother won a few programming competitions for highschoolers. Because of that apparently he should be considered something in cryptography. For people thinking like this at least.

Pavel resorting to outright slander to promote Telegram is not something I expected to see.

Why, it’s very much like him.

1488 and other Nazi numbers are, eh, just normal jokes in Russia.

But in general yes, I think this is on purpose. Probably want some people think Telegram is kinda counterculture and more secure. It’s not secure at all, of course.

It’s more normal in Russian-speaking Web.

Shouldn’t trust this guy anyway, it’s VK’s founder talking.