Nostalgic DevOps Kubernetes Automaton

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Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Dec 14, 2023


Can confirm. Pi-hole does not block YouTube smart TV app ads. Hasn’t for a long time (2018ish?)

I use sefiniks (sp?) lists which has a YouTube list but no luck.

Yep, I use: and currently am using this model: mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2.

Yandex but data privacy is again out the window.

Can confirm. Been using with freetube, invidious and clipious as it’s built-in and it’s fantastic.

As soon as you start running a pihole on your home network it makes really stop and think and want to eradicate all unnecessary data tracking. Windows was so chatty. Science only knows how much of a consumer profile they create and sell on you for just wanting to use a computer.

Additionally… Smart TV’s are the absolute worst too.

I made the jump back last fall. I’ve ran into one game so far I couldn’t play and that was just because of it’s anticheat software (the game was “hell let loose”). Check out Pop!_os. The GPU drivers are preinstalled in the kernel and just work. For both Nvidia and AMD. Steams proton and lutris/wine have made everything easy to play. Never going back to windows now.