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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Sep 30, 2023


How ironic that “First they came for the Nazis” makes sense here lol.

There was probably a whole bunch of Jewish lawyers that wanted to represent these people. Mandala, shaking their hands.

Sure, but it’s literally every other thumbnail and it pisses me off as I do not tolerate intolerance.

I like Odysee, but there’s a lot of right-wing bullshit on there that give me a major case of cringe.

Whoaa I never expected to so see Xscreensaver mentioned in the privacy community. I’ve been enjoying the penrose screensaver for about five years now.

*Spends the next thirty minutes looking at all the screensavers

If nothing works out; look into Android Debug Bridge (ADB) and use these package names to remove all the google bloat. Perhaps it’s a bit too involved, but AFAIK this is the easiest way to gain a semblance of privacy on your phone. I don’t screw about with custom roms either.

LMK if you do try to use it, I can provide some guidance if you need.

I just used gThumb recently to try to post something I had inverted, but posting it to sopuli/lemmy scrubbs the exif data and it was posted as if I didn’t do anything.

So, gThumb uses exif data to modify pictures which is likely what is added.

*What alternative are you using?

Even better:

Start a movement to build robust cycling infrastructure.

What about gasoline fights? Did they account for those?

I would probably bring a really thick permanent marker with me and some chewing gum for the speakers. I’m lucky enough to live in an area that has pretty good cycling infrastructure so I don’t have to deal with that shit. I’m sorry you do though.

I would guess covering the camera and/or data cord with tinfoil. Even more unsure about wireless.

A big thing you can hide is the distance between your eyes. Cover one of them with hair or something and any FR tech won’t work as well. You could also have a bunch of infrared led’s on your hat or something then the camera wouldn’t see shit. There’s a video out there that’s an interview with an ex-CIA agent or something that talks about disguises and whatnot.