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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Sep 29, 2023


I don’t have an ultrawide to test, but can you set the correct resolution in the game? Maybe it’s using the settings from previous launches with 16:9.

Does your wine support Wayland natively maybe? Proton doesn’t yet, and I found some games have issues with that.

I usually use ganescope for such games. Maybe try that

I’m not sure how involved Micay still is with GrapheneOS, but he did seemingly talk in the name of the foundation this march in discussions of Mozilla Location Service being retired.


And he still feels the need to attack other projects. (Last paragraph)


If I had a Pixel I’d probably still try it, but not sure how well they’d like me rooting and customizing the device.

AirVPN, but only for its port forwarding to sail the high seas.

I think that’s a relatively recent change in the big distros with lots of business in the US. Fedora started that afaik and Ubuntu followed.

Other distros still build mesa with full vaapi support.

Also not FOSS, but I’m using Summit.
It’s the only client on Android I’m aware of that has mod-tools built in.

Same on Android, though the default is a random MAC per network/ssid

Also a Kagi user here. First thing you’ll notice compared to other search engines is no ads at the top.
Comparing between multiple search engines, Kagi consistently delivers relevant results for world wide content, but also for more local searches.
You can further refine your search by up/down ranking sites for yourself or even create customized lenses that search specific (types of) sites if you know where you might find the answer. There are multiple predefined lenses, for example searching only .edu domains, forums or programming language websites.

I guess you could design every room as its own faraday cage with separate access points against this specific threat.

It’s an issue with hot and when somebody comments it now also shows on active.

Oh hey, another person sorting by hot. (This post is 2 years old. Still a good read though)

I was about to write that the Protonmail bridge wasn’t that great with serious long standing issues. The main one I experienced myself was the subject line being different than the body for older mails, apparently caused by message UIDs not being stable (issue 220). They did fix that in February so I’ll have to check again.

And it would be sold as “less cable waste” while the lower efficiency of wireless charging more than makes up that “cable waste” in environmental impact.