• 3 Posts
Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Dec 26, 2023


RFP probably ensures you give out a predetermined set of fonts as installed.

Fonts in the browser
What are the privacy implications of enforcing an obscure font browser-wide (Firefox)? Are the website aware that they're not using some generic/default font?

Vivaldi doesn’t have to use v3, Brave won’t. If Vivaldi does upgrade to v3, that should tell you something.

that works better for me. sure, I could not care less what browsers others use.

Trusting a company to do right by you (for unknown reasons) vs. trusting thousands of independent researchers who have no incentive to wrong you. Though pick, I guess.

Putting Brave and Vivaldi in the same bucket is just Mozilla shilling.

Why would you target a browser with 5% market share instead 65? How do you even manage to make an application that’s performing vastly different on different UIs but the same engine? Sounds like you need to go looking for real engineers to build your thing.

Although you could take into account what the makers are telling you.

Google claims Chrome is private too.

all over the news, Vivaldi has not

Becauae not many gives a fuck about Vivaldi enough to reverse engineer it

not like I can validate the Firefox source either

You don’t have to. Thousand of people who know what they’re doing does.

just trusting the website I download it from, or more likely my distro packaging

This is a separate security, not privacy, issue resolved by trust chain model of distro packaging.

You wiuldn’t believe the amount of people who don’t use adblockers even now.

Give me some of that closed source browser goodness, yes. Vivaldi and Chrome are the same thing from a privacy perspective precisely because you cannot verify that they’re not.

Billion dollar business idea: ISP but its not run by scum.

What’s the point of using a proxy on top of a VPN?

If you assume Google doesn’t track you in any context, you’re not a reasonable user.

I know about ring 0, I just assumed UEFI would be off the disk and inaccessible to any software.

Ah yes, the trouble of installing a game on my already existing dual boot system. Primary indication of addiction.

Interesting. It’s weird that a kernel level program can upgrade UEFI. We run a lot of closed source kernel level stuff already. Do you have any links for further reading?

Thinking about installing Riot’s rootkit
If I have an encrypted Linux partition and a Windows partition that I use as a bootloader into Riot's games, what are the drawbacks of installing their kernel level anticheat?

Do you want a good product? [opt-in] Telemetry is the way to get that.

How do you whitelist cookies by subdomain in Firefox?
I'm migrating from Brave. I have a whitelist of (sub)domains that I allow to save cookies, a blacklist that's never allowed, and the rest get deleted when I close my browser. I ported this list to LibreWolf but I cannot find an option to view exactly which domains are setting cookies. For example, on YouTube, accounts.youtube.com is enabled to keep me logged in. But when I click the settings icon on the search bar, it only gives me the option to delete cookies for youtube.com and doesn't list which domains are setting cookies. This is fine for youtube because I already know but not alright for new websites that I might use. The rules doesn't accept regex either. So if I want to block accounts.google.com, I cannot block *.google.com. I have to block the domain and all the subdomains individually. Which is even harder because of the first issue.