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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


I use simplex just for the people I dont want knowing information about me. Until signal comes up with something similar, it will just be used with friends and family

Guess you can make a different paypal account using fake information and a throwaway email on top of a vpn and then fund it with prepaid debit card. It will for sure violate paypal tos so the account maybe limited. It’ll make getting your information harder but its not actually anonymous, for that using monero or sending cash or giftcards via mail would be better. Good luck

Feel like this is just a bait post but if theres a chance it isnt, mostly for me its the principle of things. I think its my god given right to be in control of what my name or my identity is tied to and I feel that should be the norm. It was never just about the ads, its about the information thats being collected and if I can control it

Thats mostly for security but heres a couple: Alias emails, randomly generated usernames, privacy screen protector, instead of phone numbers use something like simplex for people you dont care about, leave big software companies for other privacy respecting ones, switch to graphenos for better control of your mobile device also utilize user profiles, use monero whenever possible (im new to this one), cash everywhere else or a service that offers card masking for questionable online purchases, lastly, this one is a big one but mind your business so you wont stand out.

P.S. you shouldn’t change your passwords regularly. Unless there was a breach or it was compromised through some means, a strong, randomly generated password should last for a couple years plus 2fa and you’re good to go. Assuming IT or your work isnt forcing you that is.

I havent had a problem for the past couple years I used it but that doesnt mean problems dont occur so do yourself a favor and backup locally too you can encrypt that backup with veracrypt or any other encryption software you like. If I had to nitpick, the android app isnt the best visually speaking but it gets the job done. As for alternatives, an e2e encrypted cloud provider that you trust is probably what you would like that or a self hosted solution but I’m not familiar enough to speak for that

Whats the point of rotating your masterpassword? Seems kinda like a disaster waiting to happen since you will have trouble memorizing it unless you’re updating/creating an emergency sheet each time. A high entropy passphrase + a hardware security key (the best choice) or totp should be more then enough for years unless technology skyrockets no?