• 19 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Mar 21, 2022


i think you confused piracy with privacy. there is a piracy community on lemmy but this isnt that

there’s a take? It is just reporting. If anything, its the youtube comments with the shitty takes at all times.

I would not disagree that a subscription model is viable for a live service.

Decent study into official US claims about privacy

While the network effect is a real thing and its quite hard for people to realize the need for migrating to a better project, projects like Revolt Chat set a good precedent on the fact that one can have a functioning, accessible public community without compromising browser privacy, given the open source and self-hostable nature of it (lack of federation though) and probable future e2ee for DMs. If nothing, matrix is always there.

The corporate existence is visible in the constant bombarding to buy nitro or gift nitro, even going as far as including the option in the message bar itself.

If we go by your argument (which i dont doubt at all that they track inside movements), what would inspire something like twitch to add trackers to it, then? Asking purely for academic considerations.

What’s the privacy of discord like? (with context in the body)
So I've started using Ublock Origin on my firefox on Ubuntu, and I noticed that it showed no blocked trackers on the webapp of discord. I'm well aware of the perils of using any service that doesnt support e2ee for private messaging and i hate discord for that and being corporate, But i was wondering how bad would it be for browsing communities on it given the supposed and seemingly "lack" of trackers detected for it.

The first thing i did upon installing the browser to test it is uninstall the VPN extention. Im very skeptical of the browser myself but im wondering how much grounds your argument against the browser holds. Wouldnt the open-source nature (and hence being able to create our own binaries) and the firefox base create a decent enough privacy experience? One could even scientifically test the telemetry with the right tools, right?

Is the browser not open source? And hence a binary could be built for it to test and verify the degree of privacy to it?

This is my POV, proton support and hence more support for games.

Has Steam Deck done good for the rest of the linux community?
I was wondering if steam deck's existence made linux gaming better for you folks who do not have a deck yet game on a linux machine, as im afraid it did nothing for me at all. I'm trying to see if its failure to influence my side of linux gaming is purely anecdotal. Thanks!

Look, can we really blame the desperate, especially people suffering from mental health issues, to seek help that they can? i feel that the only solution to problems like these are better health care, which means proper and rigorous scientific and ethical education on the subject and proper support system and establishment for health care services

Third-party doctrine - Wikipedia
The third-party doctrine is a United States legal doctrine that holds that people who voluntarily give information to third parties—such as banks, phone companies, internet service providers (ISPs), and e-mail servers—have "no reasonable expectation of privacy" in that information. A lack of privacy protection allows the United States government to obtain information from third parties without a legal warrant and without otherwise complying with the Fourth Amendment prohibition against search and seizure without probable cause and a judicial search warrant.[1]

Kind reminder: your whole internet traffic, encryption, backups, communication, shopping, writings, business interaction, etc are transferred through your router. Many internet service providers across Europe impose their own routers to consumers. This is a clear contradiction with the 🌐 Net Neutrality principle.

everyone tries to sell me to use my dormant linkedin account at all times too.

i just mean that FOSS operating systems need to get mainstream very quickly

Interesting Arguments, confusing, but interesting.

One of the worst bad faith actors in tech world. Managed to act like a grassroot privacy advocating alternative, sucked people in and screwed us all over.

Telegram Gets an activist raided due to their bad faith approach to privacy.