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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


Easy peasy. Don’t want to be captured by surveillance cameras? You are free to not go where the cameras are.

Oh, are you not wealthy? Do you not have land? Do you not have access to food, power, other resources without venturing out to where these cameras are? Get more money and stop whining, you dirty poor.

This is why my infatuation with libertarianism that most teens seem to go through only lasted a week.

So most people being allegedly cancelled are batshit or racist? … Why is cancelling bad then?

There’s few cases of non batshit, non racist ppl being cancelled. The best example you could think of, you acknowledge wasn’t actually cancelling.

I’m not getting it.

So he wasn’t cancelled. Some people were critical of how he said some things. That’s the way people work.

I could post “the best spaghetti sauce recipe” and I would get people telling me I’m an idiot and wrong about Italian culture and blah blah blah. That’s not cancellation. Any opinion, no matter how benign, gets crap on the internet.

Those details are unnecessary for this conversation. Cops used Facebook private messages to build a case to prosecute an illegal abortion.

They have established the process and the precedent, next time it will be a woman only 5 months pregnant. Or who has an ectopic pregnancy and is past six weeks. Or was raped. Or isn’t in a financial situation suitable for raising a child. Or simply doesn’t want a child. It doesn’t matter the details, cops have and will use private messages to prosecute women getting abortions.

The arguments that “because of her one comment about wanting to wear jeans again means she was just a careless, shallow woman who didn’t want to take responsibility for her actions and got what she deserved” is a load of crap. Not saying you are doing that solely, but that is not a good argument for not caring about privacy.

You asked, I answered. Thinking about what right wing weirdos and perverts might do when in power is absolutely part of why I care about my digital privacy.

Law enforcement used Facebook private messages to investigate and prosecute a woman for an “illegal abortion”. This is not a hypothetical, this happened.

I care about my privacy because I don’t want right-wing weirdos and perverts incarcerating me for controlling my own body.

There are more reasons. This is just the one most recently in the news as a glaring red flag real-life example.

Defensish. Close enough that we overlap some and have a lot of intense rules to follow.

These people throwing company private information into chatGPT are absolutely wild to me. I’m waiting for someone from an actual defense company to get busted and make headlines for putting like missile defense system specs in, and then it’s part of the dataset used to feed answers to everyone else.

I work for a company that requires everything to have a privacy policy that meets some minimums. We’re technically not supposed to even use Google websearch because putting any question into it potentially sends company information into the world and out of our control. That one’s not really enforced, thank goodness.

Without a privacy policy, I guess the calculator app could scrape the numbers you’re entering, plus, idk an email and a OneNote entry for context, to reverse engineer the latest doodad we’ve been designing.

It’s difficult to imagine what numbers from the calculator alone could be used for, but combine it with other information and you’ve got a problem.

Bitwarden also imported my LastPass export seamlessly. Setup and transferring took under 20 min.