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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


An elitist dog whistle built to “other” the “poor” people - people that may have otherwise been successfully socializing or “passing” with wealthy people to the point of the first text message sent. Also a quiet tool for labor discrimination.

Only took them about 20 years of oppression to finally announce they would potentially end the practice.

Walled garden, overpriced exploitation of that locked ecosystem ($5000 monitor stand kind of shit), green bubbles/blue bubbles, dominating all tech with their middle of the road/copycat approach where Android was eventually saturated with same type of execs and “gave up” on differentiating until everything was the same sealed back glass rectangle without MICRO SD expansion memory, leading the charge on “brave” feature killing enshitification like removing the headphone jack, plenty more…

This response is an “I got mine, now let’s move on” style selfish whine… There are people beyond yourself who haven’t seen it AND each time this conversation happens, more people realize they don’t want to support that bullshit and they leave brave.

Scroll past the post and be happy it’s there for those who need it, buddy!

Thanks for the post, OP.

Reverse switcheroo… this article boosts downloads because people think he has unique integrity in the field, then he sells for double

Got excited and then immediately sad while reading they were involved in crypto.