• 3 Posts
Joined 3M ago
Cake day: Mar 21, 2024

Android Intent Filter Verification Service
I've seen on TrackerControl this system app (on my grapheneOS) contacting Amazon (amazon.com) and Google (android.clients.google.com, m.youtube.com, play.google.com and www.youtube.com). What does this app do? I've disabled internet access for the time being.

GrapheneOS is only available for Pixel phones, so maybe that’s why they suggest /e/os.

I don’t use searxng because I’m comfortable with ddg instant answers. We should build an open source alternative like duckduckhack.

Edit: Dunno why people downvoted, but in my opinion having a local js “addon” which for example can convert inch to cm if you search for “2inch in cm” (obviously all should be locally processed) would be very useful.

Asking a parrot if its house is safe.

I use DDG, BTW. But searxng is very cool.

is there any hidden data collection I should be aware of ?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pegasus_(spyware)#Development_of_capabilities:~:text=In 2019%2C-,WhatsApp revealed Pegasus,-had employed a

Aka backdoors.
They played cat and mouse for a while, Facebook (Meta) moving the backdoor and NSO finding it again. I don’t trust their software.

Thanks for the alternatives.

I’m currently using a used ('cause fuck Google, you’re not gettin my money) Pixel phone with GrapheneOS (since my Pinephone stopped turning on) with TrackerControl and InviZible Pro. Is nice having a real clean AOSP rom with privacy/security customization.

GrapheneOS also provide an indeed cool feature: a proxy for Android services provided by Google, like Attestation key provisioning, Widevine provisioning, SUPL and PSDS. Does CalyxOS and/or LineageOS provide something like this?
Thanks in advance.

What privacy oriented rom do you suggest?

Anyway happy cake day!

It’s just the norm to post the source, but in this case the source is on a shitty platform.

Wasn’t talking just about Linux, but any other OS which is not Microsoft. For office stuff even chromeOS is enough really. If they have to change hardware to update Windows they could just go for an alternative for much less. Still this will be the minority of course

I hope they stick with recall and other BS so offices would hopely make the switch to other OSes once W10 will be EOL.

I use TrackerControl (f-droid).

It’s an app that can turn off entirely internet access to an app or granurarly tweak which domains can comunicate with.

Does having Google as index puts the search engine inside a Google Bubble? Like if every anonymous queries made by that engine sent to Google makes a big profile used by Google to aim results or do they use some type of API avoiding this?

Have you tried fixing your pinephone?

I don’t know what stopped working. I could have tried buying a brand new mobo, but at the same price I bought a Pixel and flashed Graphene but I do miss Linux phone.

Can you please share some info?
How’s battery life? Is everything smooth enough? Are you on phosh or plasma mobile? How’s call quality? Does VoLTE works?

my Linux phone

What brand? My pinephone stopped turning on :(

cross-posted from: https://beehaw.org/post/13793778 > Fake WhatsApp and Instagram apps that can steal personal data

There was bibliogram (web) which I’ve used a couple of times, but it’s now discontinued.
Your best bet here would be using instagram web as a webapp with a bunch of addons limiting their tracking. I dunno if there are some limitation on the instagram website, I don’t use instagram at all.

By looking up on f-droid there is “barinsta” which received a cease and desist letter from a law firm representing Facebook. Maybe you can find an active fork of it.

If you find something, please update us. There could be someone else in your same condition.

Don’t lose hope, resistance is NOT futile.
There are third party frontends for most of Facebook/Meta services and desktop apps which can be used when there are no other options.

Be aware of installing Whatsapp app on iOS and Android, there are vulnerabilities currently exploited by the israelian Pegasus. Nothing prevents anyone else from using these vulnerabilities.

Never heard of them, I’m gonna check them.

For you fellow lemmies, here are the links:

The cleanest out of the box would be a brand shipping AOSP or something closest to it. Maybe Nokia, I’m not sure.

Pixel phones do not ship third party apps other than Google apps.

Pixel phones ship the entire Google garbase.

Anyway, OP said can’t get a Pixel phone.

Having server-side source code open can help into finding not on purpose backdoors. But yes, no one can verify that’s the same exact version used by the actual servers.

Still got server-side code closed source and by default messages are not encrypted.

I use Firefox with uBlock and NoScript plus other addons and seems to be no interference between those two.
Should not be an issue on LibreWolf.

You can use NoScript.
Enable WebGL in LibreWolf/Firefox, block it with NoScript and manage a white list adding manually sites you need.

Just curious really, would be cool using cellular network with an encrypted signal. Here some telcom companies offers infinite calls minutes but limited GBs of internet, so making voip calls would use those GBs.

Why should I need a rooted phone? Can’t dialer apps send whatever they want through cellular network?

I know Wire, but I asked for non voip solutions.

Can’t the signal be encrypted first by client and then sent to cellular network?

Isnt enough software encryption like with voip calls (like telegram)?

How to encrypt regular phone calls?
Is it even possible on android? Is there a FOSS dialer to optionally encrypt some phone calls (non voip) using a pre-shared key with other party?

Did he dropped a db table in a “PHP shell [by sending] everything in /dev/null”? At 05:42

No, I’m Google free for at least 5 years now. I only have Aurora Store for the PS App.
I really only use FOSS apps.

If you need advices to breaking free, feel free to ask.

6a. Though I don’t use the phone that much, most of the battery is drained by Telegram FOSS.

Here are two old screenshots

screenshot n1 screenshot n2

You can’t just recommend Pinephone.
It is at best an half baked device. Phone calls are not that good and I had to manually enable VoLTE and flashed a custom firmware on the modem.

Without looking too much, I think it is to remove white spaces left behind by removing google ads.

The downside of Google Pixels is that they don’t have jack connector and sd slot.

But I accepted the deal just to use GrapheneOS (I bought one used on ebay). Sometimes the battery lasts 3 days without being recharged.

People at GrapheneOS should really focus on some brand that cares about users on the hardware side.