I don’t think that I spelled that right.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 21, 2023


It is weird how many times I have to tell myself out loud “reddit is bad for me; close that tab!”

I am grateful that facebook/instagram requires a login. It means I never have to look at it even when I am feeling weak.

Same with The Atlantic, The NY Times, and the Jeff Bezos Suck Billionaire Cock Machine The Washington Post.

Thank you for keeping me from reading that trash, rich people.

The public needs to create “where do cops live ?” and “what is each cop’s collective record on abuse and arrests ?” type databases.

They need to be held to a higher standard that has us surveil them, too.

Watch them; follow them; write it all down.

The show The Wire basically showed the police destroying by the thousands US citizens’ privacy to catch a few drug dealers.

What they have done to the least of us they will do to all of us.

Whatever you do don’t tweet at your local PD asking if they use these types of softwares like someone did to my local police department years ago.

It will yield bad results.

and twenty-five years ago all those companies probably would have wanted you to have their mailing address and phone number.

times have changed.

I really think it is the system. It is a system that gives positive feedback for negative human behavior. And I have no solution for it. But I believe that regardless who becomes police it will break their humanity. And that seems like a bad system to me.

thanks for coming to my ted talk.