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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: May 31, 2023


Definitely not concern trolling. Just finally thinking about all this stuff. Thanks for the insight.

I’m not all that concerned with ACTUAL privacy/encryption but rather more concerned with lower-level things like stalking, harassment, employers doing research about their employees’ non-work habits, insurance companies, etc.

I’m not talking about doing anything illegal and hiding from authorities who can use forensics on your data. Just general anti-corporate snooping and anti-harassment privacy protection.

Like, I feel more inclined to sign up and use something more like Raddle.me instead of lemmy because the owner of that site has a philosophical mission in favor of privacy.

Tell me if I’m wrong, but federated systems don’t seem to be the best for privacy because you can’t
I was thinking about this recently… By going to a federated system, one that essentially copies all of your content from one instance to another, when you delete a comment, does that comment get deleted on every instance? Is that even possible?

I think what happens is that people don’t remember that we’re using “capitalism” as shorthand for “the current and all previous western economic systems”.

I think that was the case back in 2015, but I’m not sure how they’re run currently.

In fact, Holocracy doesn’t have them on the list anymore: https://www.holacracy.org/success-stories#whos-practicing

But Zappos themselves still say that they do.

Workplace Democracy is something that is so foreign to so many people. It is so rare. Mondragon is like the only company that anyone maybe has ever heard of, and they’re pretty much only in Spain.

Oh thank you thank you thank you! Every time I post something like that on Reddit, I get a swarm of libs and right-wingers trying to get semantic on me to prove that capitalism isn’t just feudalism in disguise. Like, “But under Capitalism you can just change your employer! You couldn’t do that under feudalism!” and I am like - oh, so you’re saying it IS just like Feudalism, except we haven’t reached the “Every town is a Company Town” stage yet. Got it.

People think 1984 is about totalitarian government. It’s really about totalitarian capitalism.