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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 17, 2023


My biometric data, in this case my voice. Training an AI, tailored to my voice, out of my control, hosted as a cloud solution.

Of course there is an aspect of patient confidenciality too, but this battle is already lost. The data in the medical records is already hosted outside of my hospital.

How to constructively protest against AI voice transcription at work?
As a medical doctor I extensively use digital voice recorders to document my work. My secretary does the transcription. As a cost saving measure the process is soon intended to be replaced by AI-powered transcription, trained on each doctor's voice. As I understand it the model created is not being stored locally and I have no control over it what so ever. I see many dangers as the data model is trained on biometric data and possibly could be used to recreate my voice. Of course I understand that there probably are other recordings on the Internet of me, enough to recreate my voice, but that's beside the point. Also the question is about educating them, not a legal one. How do I present my case? I'm not willing to use a non local AI transcribing my voice. I don't want to be percieved as a paranoid nut case. Preferravly I want my bosses and collegues to understand the privacy concerns and dangers of using a "cloud sollution". Unfortunately thay are totally ignorant to the field of technology and the explanation/examples need to translate to the lay person.

Bad but expected given that they are Chinese based. I use several of their cameras but only after kepping them isolated from the Internet and segmented from the rest of my network. I only access the streams from my NAS which in turn access the camera streams from a dedicated NIC.

It’s automatically handled by https://github.com/tubearchivist/tubearchivist-jf.

It works by identifying the videos downloaded by Tube Archivist and sending the info to Jellyfin. It hooks into the API of Jellyfin and adds the metadata.

i have no configuration files prepared but it’s not rocket science at all. It consists of:

  1. https://www.tubearchivist.com/ running in docker
  2. https://jellyfin.org/ also in docker
  3. https://github.com/tubearchivist/tubearchivist-jf also in docker. Follow the guide to hook into the jellyfin install.

Sorry to not be able to provide YAML or alike. But it’s not hard to configure.

As a archiver/data hoarder I use Tube Archivist that downloads videos from my subscriptions using sponsorblock to cut out ads. Then I use a script that tags the content and present them in Jellyfin with all info, sorted by channel and year.

This way I also have everything saved and no logging from YouTube of my viewing habits apart from what’s my subscriptions.

Not perfect, but close to it.

What exactly do you mean by private with regards to email? What is the problem you’re trying to solve.?

Family not so much. Friends most definitely. It’s awesome but takes some trust to lend ones IP out. But having almost 10 different IP addressess to choose from really helps at times. One of them lives abroad too.

I use a combination of self hosted wireguard servers at family and friends. They connect together with Tailscale. One of the endpoints connect to the Internet through Mullvad. This makes it easy for every single device I own to connect to either Mullvad or any of a number of possible regular ISPs.

What’s your threat model?

Signal as a gold standard for encrypted messaging is based on many factors. Ease of use, UI/UX, protocol, platform support and so on.

Even though I’m a hard core FOSS person I’m also a realist. Sticking to a common platform is worth a lot. Bridging stuff with Matrix is cool but will not take off among most people.

Signal using Google blobs is a problem but let’s face it, the UI will be presented on a Google branded Android phone or a iOS device anyhow. Sure you can use GrapheneOS and Molly or you can switch to another app altogether but heck you’ll have no other to talk to then.